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Use Keyfactor EJBCA to generate ephemeral signing certificates


Chainloop Evidence Store can be configured to generate signing certs by using EJBCA as the certificate authority, when signing in "key-less" mode: EJBCA is a popular open source PKI, check it out at


If your organization doesn't have it already, you can follow these tutorials for a basic setup of EJBCA PKI solution.


  1. EJBCA is deployed following the Quick Start Guide - Start EJBCA Container with Client Certificate Authenticated Access
  2. EJBCA is configured for issuing signing certificates. Check the Step 2 at Tutorial - SignServer Container Signing with Cosign
  3. EJBCA Certificate Management APIs are enabled.

Configure Chainloop to use EJBCA as CA

Check ejbca_cA section in Chainloop configuration options. In particular, set these values in your config.yaml (these values are also mapped to the chart values.yaml file):

# Where EJBCA service is located
server_url: "https://localhost/ejbca"

# Cert and private key for Client cert authentication against EJBCA
key_path: "../../devel/devkeys/superadmin.key"
cert_path: "../../devel/devkeys/superadmin.pem"

# Certificate chain
root_ca_path: "../../devel/devkeys/ManagementCA.pem"

# EJBCA profile, end entity and CA names
certificate_profile_name: "PlainSigner"
end_entity_profile_name: "PlainSigner"
certificate_authority_name: "ManagementCA"

Signing Chainloop attestations with EJBCA issued certificates

Using the following command (note that no key is provided), the following sequence of events will happen:

  1. Chainloop CLI creates a certificate request, and sends it to Chainloop
  2. Chainloop forwards the request to EJBCA's v1/certificate/pkcs10enroll API, which generates a new short-lived certificate for signing
  3. Chainloop CLI signs the In-toto payload, and sends the statement to Chainloop for storage.
> chainloop attestation push --bundle bundle.json


Full example

Crafting and signing an attestation.

> chainloop att init --replace --name mywf
INF Attestation initialized! now you can check its status or add materials to it
│ Initialized At │ 25 Jun 24 10:49 UTC │
│ Attestation ID │ 966b2426-e5a6-4805-91ff-e4ea1e95c5ea │
│ Name │ mywf │
│ Team │ │
│ Project │ myproject │
│ Contract Revision │ 1

> chainloop att add --value evidence.txt
INF material kind detected kind=ARTIFACT
INF material added to attestation

> chainloop --debug att push --bundle bundle-with-ejbca.json
INF generating Sigstore bundle bundle-with-ejbca.json
INF push completed
│ Initialized At │ 25 Jun 24 10:49 UTC │
│ Attestation ID │ 966b2426-e5a6-4805-91ff-e4ea1e95c5ea │
│ Name │ mywf │
│ Team │ │
│ Project │ myproject │
│ Contract Revision │ 1
│ Materials │
│ Name │ material-1719312595918293000 │
│ Type │ ARTIFACT │
│ Set │ Yes │
│ Required │ No │
│ Value │ evidence.txt │
│ Digest │ sha256:e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855 │
Attestation Digest: sha256:bafaffc629d5ffe4c3b6519b740459db6883a55c6092c438426ded7ec328f135

Storing and inspecting the generated certificate:

> cat bundle-with-ejbca.json | jq -r ".verificationMaterial.x509CertificateChain.certificates.[].rawBytes" | base64 --decode | openssl x509 -inform DER -outform PEM > signingcert.pem

> cat signingcert.pem | openssl x509 -text
Version: 3 (0x2)
Serial Number:
Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
Issuer: UID=c-0kxd0tu03vo9bdv86, CN=ManagementCA, O=EJBCA Container Quickstart
Not Before: Jun 25 10:49:04 2024 GMT
Not After : Jun 25 10:49:03 2025 GMT
Subject: CN=fce05d49-b633-4862-be1d-3345081ecaea

Verifying the attestation

Verifying the attestation requires the signing cert extracted from the bundle and the root CA (provided by your organization out-of-band):

> chainloop wf run describe --digest sha256:bafaffc629d5ffe4c3b6519b740459db6883a55c6092c438426ded7ec328f135 --verify true --cert signingcert.pem --cert-chain ../keyfactor/ManagementCA.pem
WRN Both user credentials and $CHAINLOOP_TOKEN set. Ignoring $CHAINLOOP_TOKEN.
│ Workflow │
│ ID │ eb7b4633-96e2-4efe-b23f-f667f3f7acdc │
│ Name │ mywf │
│ Team │ │
│ Project │ myproject │
│ Workflow Run │ │
│ ID │ 966b2426-e5a6-4805-91ff-e4ea1e95c5ea │
│ Initialized At │ 25 Jun 24 10:49 UTC │
│ Finished At │ 25 Jun 24 10:59 UTC │
│ State │ success │
│ Runner Link │ │
│ Statement │ │
│ Payload Type │ application/ │
│ Digest │ sha256:bafaffc629d5ffe4c3b6519b740459db6883a55c6092c438426ded7ec328f135 │
│ Verified │ true
│ Materials │
│ Name │ material-1719312595918293000 │
│ Type │ ARTIFACT │
│ Filename │ evidence.txt │
│ Digest │ sha256:e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855 │