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Chainloop Helm Chart

Chainloop is an open-source software supply chain control plane, a single source of truth for artifacts plus a declarative attestation crafting process.


This chart bootstraps a Chainloop deployment on a Kubernetes cluster using the Helm package manager.


  • Kubernetes 1.19+
  • Helm 3.2.0+
  • PV provisioner support in the underlying infrastructure (If built-in PostgreSQL is enabled)

Compatibility with the following Ingress Controllers has been verified, other controllers might or might not work.


Deploy Chainloop in development mode by running

helm install [RELEASE_NAME] oci:// \
--set development=true \
--set controlplane.auth.oidc.url=[OIDC URL] \
--set controlplane.auth.oidc.clientID=[clientID] \
--set controlplane.auth.oidc.clientSecret=[clientSecret]

CAUTION: Do not use this mode in production, for that, use the standard mode instead.

Installing the Chart

This chart comes in two flavors, standard and development.

Standard (default)

The default deployment mode relies on external dependencies to be available in advance.

The Helm Chart in this mode includes

During installation, you'll need to provide

Instructions on how to create the ECDSA keypair can be found here.

Installation examples for standard mode

NOTE: We do not recommend passing nor storing sensitive data in plain text. For production, please consider having your overrides encrypted with tools such as Sops, Helm Secrets or Sealed Secrets.

Deploy Chainloop configured to talk to the bundled PostgreSQL an external OIDC IDp and a Vault instance.

helm install [RELEASE_NAME] oci:// \
# Open ID Connect (OIDC)
--set controlplane.auth.oidc.url=[OIDC URL] \
--set controlplane.auth.oidc.clientID=[clientID] \
--set controlplane.auth.oidc.clientSecret=[clientSecret] \
# Secrets backend
--set secretsBackend.vault.address="https://[vault address]:8200" \
--set secretsBackend.vault.token=[token] \
# Server Auth KeyPair
--set casJWTPrivateKey="$(cat" \
--set casJWTPublicKey="$(cat public.pem)"

Deploy using AWS Secrets Manager instead of Vault

helm install [RELEASE_NAME] oci:// \
# Open ID Connect (OIDC)
# ...
# Secrets backend
--set secretsBackend.backend=awsSecretManager \
--set secretsBackend.awsSecretManager.accessKey=[AWS ACCESS KEY ID] \
--set secretsBackend.awsSecretManager.secretKey=[AWS SECRET KEY] \
--set secretsBackend.awsSecretManager.region=[AWS region]\
# Server Auth KeyPair
# ...

or using GCP Secret Manager

helm install [RELEASE_NAME] oci:// \
# Open ID Connect (OIDC)
# ...
# Secrets backend
--set secretsBackend.backend=gcpSecretManager \
--set secretsBackend.gcpSecretManager.projectId=[GCP Project ID] \
--set secretsBackend.gcpSecretManager.serviceAccountKey=[GCP Auth KEY] \
# Server Auth KeyPair
# ...

or Azure KeyVault

helm install [RELEASE_NAME] oci:// \
# Open ID Connect (OIDC)
# ...
# Secrets backend
--set secretsBackend.backend=azureKeyVault \
--set secretsBackend.azureKeyVault.tenantID=[AD tenant ID] \
--set secretsBackend.azureKeyVault.clientID=[Service Principal ID] \
--set secretsBackend.azureKeyVault.clientSecret=[Service Principal secret] \
--set secretsBackend.azureKeyVault.vaultURI=[Azure KeyVault URI]
# Server Auth KeyPair
# ...

Connect to an external PostgreSQL database instead

helm install [RELEASE_NAME] oci:// \
# Open ID Connect (OIDC)
# ...
# Secrets backend
# ...
# Server Auth KeyPair
# ...
# External DB setup
--set postgresql.enabled=false \
--set[DB_HOST] \
--set controlplane.externalDatabase.user=[DB_USER] \
--set controlplane.externalDatabase.password=[DB_PASSWORD] \
--set controlplane.externalDatabase.database=[DB_NAME]


To provide an easy way to give Chainloop a try, this Helm Chart has an opt-in development mode that can be enabled with the flag development=true


The Helm Chart in this mode includes

  • Chainloop Controlplane
  • Chainloop Artifact proxy
  • A PostgreSQL dependency enabled by default
  • A pre-configured Hashicorp Vault instance running in development mode (unsealed, in-memory, insecure)

CAUTION: Do not use this mode in production, for that, use the standard mode instead.

During installation, you'll need to provide

Installation examples for development mode

Deploy by leveraging built-in Vault and PostgreSQL instances

helm install [RELEASE_NAME] oci:// \
--set development=true \
--set controlplane.auth.oidc.url=[OIDC URL] \
--set controlplane.auth.oidc.clientID=[clientID] \
--set controlplane.auth.oidc.clientSecret=[clientSecret]

How to guides

CAS upload speeds are slow, what can I do?

Chainloop uses gRPC streaming to perform artifact uploads. This method is susceptible to being very slow on high latency scenarios. #375

To improve upload speeds, you need to increase http2 flow control buffer. This can be done in NGINX by setting the following annotation in the ingress resource.

# Improve upload speed by adding client buffering used by http2 control-flows "3M"

Note: For other reverse proxies, you'll need to find the equivalent configuration.

Generate a ECDSA key-pair

An ECDSA key-pair is required to perform authentication between the control-plane and the Artifact CAS

You can generate both the private and public keys by running

# Private Key (
openssl ecparam -name secp521r1 -genkey -noout -out
# Public Key (public.pem)
openssl ec -in -pubout -out public.pem

Then, you can either provide it in a custom values.yaml file override

casJWTPrivateKey: |-
casJWTPublicKey: |
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----

or as shown before, provide them as imperative inputs during Helm Install/Upgrade --set casJWTPrivateKey="$(cat"--set casJWTPublicKey="$(cat public.pem)"

Enable a custom domain with TLS

Chainloop uses three endpoints so we'll need to enable the ingress resource for each one of them.

See below an example of a values.yaml override

enabled: true

enabled: true

enabled: true

A complete setup that uses

would look like

enabled: true
tls: true
ingressClassName: nginx
# This depends on your configured issuer "letsencrypt-prod"

enabled: true
tls: true
ingressClassName: nginx
annotations: "GRPC" "letsencrypt-prod"

enabled: true
tls: true
ingressClassName: nginx
annotations: "GRPC" "letsencrypt-prod"
# limit the size of the files that go through the proxy
# 0 means to not check the size of the request so we do not get 413 error.
# For now we are going to set a limit on 100MB files
# Even though we send data in chunks of 1MB, this size refers to all the data sent in the streaming connection "100m"

Remember, once you have set up your domain, make sure you use the CLI pointing to it instead of the defaults.

Connect to an external PostgreSQL database

# Disable built-in DB
enabled: false

# Provide with external connection
port: 5432
user: chainloop
password: [REDACTED]
database: chainloop-controlplane-prod

Alternatively, if you are using Google Cloud SQL and you are running Chainloop in Google Kubernetes Engine. You can connect instead via a proxy

This method can also be easily enabled in this chart by doing

# Disable built-in DB
enabled: false

# Provide with external connection
# Inject the proxy sidecar
enabled: true
## @param controlplane.sqlProxy.connectionName Google Cloud SQL connection name
connectionName: "my-sql-instance"
# Then you'll need to configure your DB settings to use the proxy IP address
host: [proxy-sidecar-ip-address]
port: 5432
user: chainloop
password: [REDACTED]
database: chainloop-controlplane-prod

Use AWS secrets manager

Instead of using Hashicorp Vault (default), you can use AWS Secrets Manager by adding these settings in your values.yaml file

backend: awsSecretManager
accessKey: [KEY]
secretKey: [SECRET]
region: [REGION]

Use GCP secret manager

Or Google Cloud Secret Manager with the following settings

backend: gcpSecretManager
projectId: [PROJECT_ID]
serviceAccountKey: [KEY]

Use Azure KeyVault

Azure KeyVault is also supported

backend: azureKeyVault
tenantID: [TENANT_ID] # Active Directory Tenant ID
clientID: [CLIENT_ID] # Registered application / service principal client ID
clientSecret: [CLIENT_SECRET] # Service principal client secret
vaultURI: [VAULT URI] # Azure Key Vault URL

Deploy in keyless mode with file-based CA

This feature is experimental, as it doesn't yet support verification.

You can enable keyless signing mode by providing a custom Certificate Authority. For example, these commands generate a self-signed certificate with an RSA private key of length 4096 and AES256 encryption:

> openssl genrsa -aes256 -out ca.key 4096
> openssl req -new -x509 -sha256 -key ca.key -out ca.crt

Then you can configure your deployment values with:

enabled: true
backend: fileCA
cert: |
key: |
keyPass: "REDACTED"

Insert custom Certificate Authorities (CAs)

In some scenarios, you might want to add custom Certificate Authorities to the Chainloop deployment. Like in the instance where your OIDC provider uses a self-signed certificate. To do so, add the PEM-encoded CA certificate to the customCAs list in your values.yaml file like in the example below.

- |-

Send exceptions to Sentry

You can configure different sentry projects for both the controlplane and the artifact CAS

# for controlplane
enabled: true
dsn: [your secret sentry project DSN URL]
environment: production
# Artifact CAS
enabled: true
dsn: [your secret sentry project DSN URL]
environment: production

Enable Prometheus Monitoring in GKE

Chainloop exposes Prometheus compatible /metrics endpoints that can be easily scraped by a Prometheus data collector Server.

Google Cloud has a managed Prometheus offering that could be easily enabled by setting --set GKEMonitoring.enabled=true. This will inject the required PodMonitoring custom resources.

Configure Chainloop CLI to point to your instance

Once you have your instance of Chainloop deployed, you need to configure the CLI to point to both the CAS and the Control plane gRPC APIs like this.

chainloop config save \
--control-plane \


Common parameters

kubeVersionOverride Kubernetes version""
developmentDeploys Chainloop pre-configured FOR DEVELOPMENT ONLY. It includes a Vault instance in development mode and pre-configured authentication certificates and passphrasesfalse
GKEMonitoring.enabledEnable GKE podMonitoring ( scrape) to scrape the controlplane and CAS /metrics endpointsfalse

Secrets Backend

secretsBackend.backendSecrets backend type ("vault", "awsSecretManager" or "gcpSecretManager", "azureKeyVault")vault
secretsBackend.secretPrefixPrefix that will be pre-pended to all secrets in the storage backendchainloop
secretsBackend.vault.addressVault address
secretsBackend.vault.tokenVault authentication token
secretsBackend.awsSecretManager.accessKeyAWS Access KEY ID
secretsBackend.awsSecretManager.secretKeyAWS Secret Key
secretsBackend.awsSecretManager.regionAWS Secrets Manager Region
secretsBackend.gcpSecretManager.projectIdGCP Project ID
secretsBackend.gcpSecretManager.serviceAccountKeyGCP Auth Key
secretsBackend.azureKeyVault.tenantIDActive Directory Tenant ID
secretsBackend.azureKeyVault.clientIDRegistered application / service principal client ID
secretsBackend.azureKeyVault.clientSecretService principal client secret
secretsBackend.azureKeyVault.vaultURIAzure Key Vault URL


casJWTPrivateKeyECDSA (ES512) private key used for Controlplane to CAS Authentication""
casJWTPublicKeyECDSA (ES512) public key""

Control Plane

controlplane.replicaCountNumber of replicas2
controlplane.image.repositoryFQDN uri for the
controlplane.image.tagImage tag (immutable tags are recommended). If no set chart.appVersion will be used
controlplane.tlsConfig.secret.namename of a secret containing TLS certificate to be used by the controlplane grpc server.""
controlplane.pluginsDirDirectory where to look for plugins/plugins
controlplane.referrerSharedIndexConfigure the shared, public index API endpoint that can be used to discover metadata referrers
controlplane.referrerSharedIndex.enabledEnable index API endpointfalse
controlplane.referrerSharedIndex.allowedOrgsList of UUIDs of organizations that are allowed to publish to the shared index[]
controlplane.onboarding.nameName of the organization to onboard
controlplane.onboarding.roleRole of the organization to onboard

Control Plane Database

controlplane.externalDatabaseExternal PostgreSQL configuration. These values are only used when postgresql.enabled is set to false
controlplane.externalDatabase.hostDatabase host""
controlplane.externalDatabase.portDatabase port number5432
controlplane.externalDatabase.userNon-root username""
controlplane.externalDatabase.databaseDatabase name""
controlplane.externalDatabase.passwordPassword for the non-root username""
controlplane.sqlProxy.enabledEnable sidecar to connect to DB via Google Cloud SQL proxyfalse
controlplane.sqlProxy.connectionNameGoogle Cloud SQL connection name""
controlplane.sqlProxy.resourcesSidecar container resources{}

Control Plane Authentication

controlplane.auth.passphrasePassphrase used to sign the Auth Tokens generated by the controlplane. Leave empty for auto-generation""
controlplane.auth.oidc.urlFull authentication path, it should match the issuer URL of the Identity provider (IDp)""
controlplane.auth.oidc.clientIDOIDC IDp clientID""
controlplane.auth.oidc.clientSecretOIDC IDp clientSecret""
controlplane.auth.oidc.loginURLOverrideOptional OIDC login URL override, useful to point to custom login pages
controlplane.auth.oidc.externalURLOptional External URL for the controlplane to the outside world
controlplane.auth.allowList.rulesList of domains or emails to allow
controlplane.auth.allowList.selectedRoutesList of selected routes to allow. If not set it applies to all routes
controlplane.auth.allowList.customMessageCustom message to display when a user is not allowed

Control Plane Networking

controlplane.service.typeService typeClusterIP
controlplane.service.portService port80
controlplane.service.targetPortService target Porthttp
controlplane.service.nodePorts.httpNode port for HTTP. NOTE: choose port between [30000-32767]
controlplane.serviceAPI.typeService typeClusterIP
controlplane.serviceAPI.portService port80
controlplane.serviceAPI.targetPortService target Portgrpc
controlplane.serviceAPI.annotationsService annotations
controlplane.serviceAPI.nodePorts.httpNode port for HTTP. NOTE: choose port between [30000-32767]
controlplane.ingress.enabledEnable ingress record generation for %%MAIN_CONTAINER_NAME%%false
controlplane.ingress.pathTypeIngress path typeImplementationSpecific
controlplane.ingress.hostnameDefault host for the ingress
controlplane.ingress.ingressClassNameIngressClass that will be be used to implement the Ingress (Kubernetes 1.18+)""
controlplane.ingress.pathDefault path for the ingress record/
controlplane.ingress.annotationsAdditional annotations for the Ingress resource. To enable certificate autogeneration, place here your cert-manager annotations.{}
controlplane.ingress.tlsEnable TLS configuration for the host defined at controlplane.ingress.hostname parameterfalse
controlplane.ingress.selfSignedCreate a TLS secret for this ingress record using self-signed certificates generated by Helmfalse
controlplane.ingress.extraHostsAn array with additional hostname(s) to be covered with the ingress record[]
controlplane.ingress.extraPathsAn array with additional arbitrary paths that may need to be added to the ingress under the main host[]
controlplane.ingress.extraTlsTLS configuration for additional hostname(s) to be covered with this ingress record[]
controlplane.ingress.secretsCustom TLS certificates as secrets[]
controlplane.ingress.extraRulesAdditional rules to be covered with this ingress record[]
controlplane.ingressAPI.enabledEnable ingress record generation for %%MAIN_CONTAINER_NAME%%false
controlplane.ingressAPI.pathTypeIngress path typeImplementationSpecific
controlplane.ingressAPI.hostnameDefault host for the ingress
controlplane.ingressAPI.ingressClassNameIngressClass that will be be used to implement the Ingress (Kubernetes 1.18+)""
controlplane.ingressAPI.pathDefault path for the ingress record/
controlplane.ingressAPI.annotationsAdditional annotations for the Ingress resource. To enable certificate autogeneration, place here your cert-manager annotations.
controlplane.ingressAPI.tlsEnable TLS configuration for the host defined at controlplane.ingress.hostname parameterfalse
controlplane.ingressAPI.selfSignedCreate a TLS secret for this ingress record using self-signed certificates generated by Helmfalse
controlplane.ingressAPI.extraHostsAn array with additional hostname(s) to be covered with the ingress record[]
controlplane.ingressAPI.extraPathsAn array with additional arbitrary paths that may need to be added to the ingress under the main host[]
controlplane.ingressAPI.extraTlsTLS configuration for additional hostname(s) to be covered with this ingress record[]
controlplane.ingressAPI.secretsCustom TLS certificates as secrets[]
controlplane.ingressAPI.extraRulesAdditional rules to be covered with this ingress record[]

Controlplane Misc

controlplane.resources.limits.cpuContainer resource limits CPU250m
controlplane.resources.limits.memoryContainer resource limits memory512Mi
controlplane.resources.requests.cpuContainer resource requests CPU250m
controlplane.resources.requests.memoryContainer resource requests memory512Mi
controlplane.autoscaling.enabledEnable deployment autoscalingfalse
controlplane.autoscaling.minReplicasMinimum number of replicas1
controlplane.autoscaling.maxReplicasMaximum number of replicas100
controlplane.autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentageTarget CPU percentage80
controlplane.autoscaling.targetMemoryUtilizationPercentageTarget CPU memory80
controlplane.sentry.enabledEnable alertingfalse
controlplane.sentry.dsnDSN endpoint""
controlplane.sentry.environmentEnvironment tagproduction

Keyless signing configuration

controlplane.keylessSigning.enabledActivates or deactivates the featurefalse
controlplane.keylessSigning.backendThe backend to use. Currently only "fileCA" and "ejbcaCA" are supportedfileCA
controlplane.keylessSigning.fileCA.certThe PEM-encoded certificate of the file based CA""
controlplane.keylessSigning.fileCA.keyThe PEM-encoded private key of the file based CA""
controlplane.keylessSigning.fileCA.keyPassThe secret key pass""
controlplane.keylessSigning.ejbcaCA.serverURLThe url of the EJBCA service (https://host/ejbca)""
controlplane.keylessSigning.ejbcaCA.clientKeyPEM-encoded the private key for EJBCA cert authentication""
controlplane.keylessSigning.ejbcaCA.clientCertPEM-encoded certificate for EJBCA cert authentication""
controlplane.keylessSigning.ejbcaCA.certProfileNameName of the certificate profile to use in EJBCA""
controlplane.keylessSigning.ejbcaCA.endEntityProfileNameName of the Entity Profile to use in EJBCA""
controlplane.keylessSigning.ejbcaCA.caNameName of the CA issuer to use in EJBCA""
controlplane.customCAsList of custom CA certificates content[]

Artifact Content Addressable (CAS) API

cas.replicaCountNumber of replicas2
cas.image.repositoryFQDN uri for the
cas.image.tagImage tag (immutable tags are recommended). If no set chart.appVersion will be used
cas.tlsConfig.secret.namename of a secret containing TLS certificate to be used by the controlplane grpc server.""

CAS Networking

cas.service.typeService typeClusterIP
cas.service.portService port80
cas.service.targetPortService target Porthttp
cas.service.nodePorts.httpNode port for HTTP. NOTE: choose port between [30000-32767]
cas.serviceAPI.typeService typeClusterIP
cas.serviceAPI.portService port80
cas.serviceAPI.targetPortService target Portgrpc
cas.serviceAPI.annotationsService annotations
cas.serviceAPI.nodePorts.httpNode port for HTTP. NOTE: choose port between [30000-32767]
cas.ingress.enabledEnable ingress record generation for %%MAIN_CONTAINER_NAME%%false
cas.ingress.pathTypeIngress path typeImplementationSpecific
cas.ingress.hostnameDefault host for the ingress
cas.ingress.ingressClassNameIngressClass that will be be used to implement the Ingress (Kubernetes 1.18+)""
cas.ingress.pathDefault path for the ingress record/
cas.ingress.annotationsAdditional annotations for the Ingress resource. To enable certificate autogeneration, place here your cert-manager annotations.{}
cas.ingress.tlsEnable TLS configuration for the host defined at controlplane.ingress.hostname parameterfalse
cas.ingress.selfSignedCreate a TLS secret for this ingress record using self-signed certificates generated by Helmfalse
cas.ingress.extraHostsAn array with additional hostname(s) to be covered with the ingress record[]
cas.ingress.extraPathsAn array with additional arbitrary paths that may need to be added to the ingress under the main host[]
cas.ingress.extraTlsTLS configuration for additional hostname(s) to be covered with this ingress record[]
cas.ingress.secretsCustom TLS certificates as secrets[]
cas.ingress.extraRulesAdditional rules to be covered with this ingress record[]
cas.ingressAPI.enabledEnable ingress record generation for %%MAIN_CONTAINER_NAME%%false
cas.ingressAPI.pathTypeIngress path typeImplementationSpecific
cas.ingressAPI.hostnameDefault host for the ingress
cas.ingressAPI.ingressClassNameIngressClass that will be be used to implement the Ingress (Kubernetes 1.18+)""
cas.ingressAPI.pathDefault path for the ingress record/
cas.ingressAPI.annotationsAdditional annotations for the Ingress resource. To enable certificate autogeneration, place here your cert-manager annotations.
cas.ingressAPI.tlsEnable TLS configuration for the host defined at controlplane.ingress.hostname parameterfalse
cas.ingressAPI.selfSignedCreate a TLS secret for this ingress record using self-signed certificates generated by Helmfalse
cas.ingressAPI.extraHostsAn array with additional hostname(s) to be covered with the ingress record[]
cas.ingressAPI.extraPathsAn array with additional arbitrary paths that may need to be added to the ingress under the main host[]
cas.ingressAPI.extraTlsTLS configuration for additional hostname(s) to be covered with this ingress record[]
cas.ingressAPI.secretsCustom TLS certificates as secrets[]
cas.ingressAPI.extraRulesAdditional rules to be covered with this ingress record[]

CAS Misc

cas.resources.limits.cpuContainer resource limits CPU250m
cas.resources.limits.memoryContainer resource limits memory512Mi
cas.resources.requests.cpuContainer resource requests CPU250m
cas.resources.requests.memoryContainer resource requests memory512Mi
cas.autoscaling.enabledEnable deployment autoscalingfalse
cas.autoscaling.minReplicasMinimum number of replicas1
cas.autoscaling.maxReplicasMaximum number of replicas100
cas.autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentageTarget CPU percentage80
cas.autoscaling.targetMemoryUtilizationPercentageTarget CPU memory80
cas.sentry.enabledEnable alertingfalse
cas.sentry.dsnDSN endpoint""
cas.sentry.environmentEnvironment tagproduction


postgresql.enabledSwitch to enable or disable the PostgreSQL helm charttrue
postgresql.auth.enablePostgresUserAssign a password to the "postgres" admin user. Otherwise, remote access will be blocked for this userfalse
postgresql.auth.usernameName for a custom user to createchainloop
postgresql.auth.passwordPassword for the custom user to createchainlooppwd
postgresql.auth.databaseName for a custom database to createchainloop-cp
postgresql.auth.existingSecretName of existing secret to use for PostgreSQL credentials""
vault.server.argsArguments to pass to the vault server. This is useful for setting the server in development mode["server","-dev"]
vault.server.configConfiguration for the vault server. Small override of default Bitnami configuration`storage "inmem"
disable_mlock = true
ui = true
service_registration "kubernetes" `
vault.server.extraEnvVars[0].nameRoot token for the vault serverVAULT_DEV_ROOT_TOKEN_ID
vault.server.extraEnvVars[0].valueThe value of the root token. Default: notasecretnotasecret
vault.server.extraEnvVars[1].nameAddress to listen on development modeVAULT_DEV_LISTEN_ADDRESS
vault.server.extraEnvVars[1].valueThe address to listen on. Default: [::]:8200[::]:8200
dex.config.issuerThe issuer URL of the Identity provider (IDp)http://chainloop-dex:5556/dex type for the dex servermemory
dex.config.web.httpHTTP address for the dex server0.0.0.0:5556
dex.config.staticClients[0].idClient ID for the static clientchainloop-dev
dex.config.staticClients[0].redirectURIsRedirect URIs for the static client["","http://localhost:8000/auth/callback"]
dex.config.staticClients[0].nameName for the static clientChainloop Dev
dex.config.staticClients[0].secretSecret for the static clientZXhhbXBsZS1hcHAtc2VjcmV0
dex.config.enablePasswordDBEnable static passwordstrue
dex.config.staticPasswords[0].emailEmail for the static passwordjohn@chainloop.local
dex.config.staticPasswords[0].hashHash for the static password$2a$10$2b2cU8CPhOTaGrs1HRQuAueS7JTT5ZHsHSzYiFPm1leZck7Mc8T4W
dex.config.staticPasswords[1].emailEmail for the static passwordsarah@chainloop.local
dex.config.staticPasswords[1].hashHash for the static password$2a$10$2b2cU8CPhOTaGrs1HRQuAueS7JTT5ZHsHSzYiFPm1leZck7Mc8T4W


Copyright © 2023 The Chainloop Authors

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.