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Send SBOMs to Dependency-Track

Dependency-Track is an intelligent Component Analysis platform that allows organizations to identify and reduce risk in the software supply chain. Dependency-Track takes a unique and highly beneficial approach by leveraging the capabilities of Software Bill of Materials (SBOM).

Chainloop can be configured to automatically send any CycloneDX Software Bill Of Materials that has been received as part of an attestation to a Dependency-Track instance.

If you have defined in your Workflow Contract a material of type SBOM_CYCLONEDX_JSON. This SBOM file, in addition to being stored in your CAS Backend, will be sent to Dependency-Track.

schemaVersion: v1
# SBOMs will be uploaded to the CAS Backend of your choice, such as an OCI registry and referenced in the attestation
# Additionally they can be sent to any downstream integration for analysis
# i.e
name: skynet-sbom

See the integration in action in the following video

Configure Integration

There are two steps involved to enable this integration:

  1. Setup a Dependency-Track integration provider in your Chainloop account
  2. Attach this integration instance to your workflow


Dependency-Track API Token

An API Token is required for the Chainloop instance to communicate securely with DependencyTrack. The required permissions are BOM_UPLOAD, VIEW_PORTFOLIO (to validate that the provided project ID exists) and optionally PROJECT_CREATION_UPLOAD if project-auto-creation is enabled, more on that later.

The API Key can be created by going to Settings -> Access Management -> Teams -> Select (or create) a Team -> Set permissions -> Copy API key

1 - Setup the integration in your Chainloop account

Using the Chainloop CLI, you can register an instance of Dependency-Track that later on can be attached to any of your workflows.

This is done via the chainloop integration registered add command but first let's find out what are the required inputs using the available describe command.

$ chainloop integration available describe --name dependency-track

│ dependency-track │ 1.4 │ SBOM_CYCLONEDX_JSON │ Send CycloneDX SBOMs to your Dependency-Track instance │
│ Registration inputs │
│ allowAutoCreate │ boolean │ no │ Support of creating projects on demand │
│ apiKey │ string │ yes │ The API key to use for authentication │
│ instanceURI │ string (uri)yes │ The URL of the Dependency-Track instance │

We can see that there are two required inputs: apiKey and instanceURI.

Let's go ahead and add an integration for an instance hosted at that allows the auto-creation of projects. You'll get a prompt to introduce the API key

$ chainloop integration registered add dependency-track --name [my-registration] --opt instanceURI= --opt apiKey=[REDACTED] --opt=allowAutoCreate=true
│ c48f3041-5745-4773-aed9-ccf2f288b2e4 │ Dependency-Track │ host: │ 21 Dec 22 16:29 UTC │
│ │ │ allowAutoCreate: true │ │

2 - Attach the Integration to a Workflow

Once the integration is live, it can be attached to any workflow. In practice, that means that every workflow attestation that is received that contains a SBOM_CYCLONEDX_JSON material will be forwarded.


The same integration can be attached to multiple workflows

The attachment is done via chainloop integration attached add command. But as we did before, let's first find out what are the required inputs using the available describe command.

$ chainloop integration available describe --name dependency-track

│ dependency-track │ 1.4 │ SBOM_CYCLONEDX_JSON │ Send CycloneDX SBOMs to your Dependency-Track instance │
│ Attachment inputs │
│ parentID │ string │ no │ ID of parent project to create a new project under │
│ projectID │ string │ no │ The ID of the existing project to send the SBOMs to │
│ projectName │ string │ no │ The name of the project to create and send the SBOMs to │

During the attachment process, you can decide whether to send the SBOMs to a specific project projectID or create a new one defined by the provided projectName. For the latter to work, you need to make sure that the integration was setup with --allow-project-auto-create option. Furthermore, you can request the new project is created as a child of an existing one parentID, to enable you to group projects in Dependency Track.


The workflowID can be found by running chainloop workflow list

# Attach integration to a specific workflow
$ chainloop integration attached add \
--integration c48f3041-5745-4773-aed9-ccf2f288b2e4 \
--workflow b0c0c6a8-b98c-4acf-97f6-480a08a79ae7 \
--opt projectName=example-project

That's all!

Next time Chainloop receives an attestation, its contained SBOMs will be uploaded to to a project called example-project.

CI setup example

Here you can find a Github Action example where based on this workflow contract it

  • Initializes the Chainloop attestation.
  • Creates SBOMs using syft
  • Adds the SBOM materials and send the attestation to Chainloop.

Then Chainloop is configured similarly to what was shown above to send the received SBOM to Dependency-Track.

Dynamically set the project name

You can also use interpolation to calculate the project name dynamically based on the annotations set in both the attestation and the materials. For example, let's say that you have the following contract

"schemaVersion":  "v1",
"annotations": [
"name": "version",
"value": "oss"
"materials": [
"name": "controlplane-sbom",
"annotations": [
"name": "component",
"value": "controlplane"

You can then use the {{ .Material.Annotations.Component }} or {{ .Attestation.Annotations.Asset }} templates during attachment, for example

$ chainloop integration attached add \
--opt projectName="project-{{ .Material.Annotations.component }}"
# or both combined
--opt projectName="project-{{ .Material.Annotations.component }}-{{ .Attestation.Annotations.version }}"

this will send the SBOM to a project called project-controlplane or project-controlplane-oss respectively.