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Use Ory Hydra as OIDC (OpenID Connect) provider

A requirement to run your own Chainloop instance is to configure an OIDC provider to authenticate users who interact with the control plane.


To configure your Chainloop instance with Ory Hydra you'll need the following information:

  • Ory Hydra instance running
  • Access to your OIDC provider configuration

Configure Ory Hydra

First, you'll need to have an Ory Hydra instance running. You can follow the official documentation to set up your own instance. Then simply create a new OAuth2 client in your Ory Hydra instance. You can do this by running the following command:

$  hydra create oauth2-client --name "ACME Solutions"  --grant-type authorization_code,refresh_token --response-type code  --scope openid,email,profile  --redirect-uri http://CHAINLOOP_INSTANCE_URL/auth/callback --endpoint https://ORY_HYDRA_URL

Chainloop client will only request openid, email and profile scopes.

Relevant information that can be noted from the command signature is:

  • name: The name of the OAuth2 client
  • grant-type: The grant type of the client it needs to be set authorization_code and refresh_token
  • response-type: The response type of the client: code
  • scope: The scopes that the client will request: openid, email, profile
  • redirect-uri: The redirect URI of the client: Whenever is the Chainloop instance URL plus /auth/callback
  • endpoint: The endpoint of the Ory Hydra instance

Once the command is run, it will give back something similar to the following:

CLIENT ID       b028840e-8c54-4d01-91b9-eb2c4aa6fc0e
GRANT TYPES authorization_code, refresh_token
SCOPE openid email profile
REDIRECT URIS, http://localhost:8000/auth/callback

Configure Chainloop deployment

As explained in the deployment guide, you can configure the ODIC configuration oidc section of the values.yaml file.

Just put the information we gathered from the previous steps like this.

url: "" # Ory Hydra URL
clientID: "" # Ory Hydra OAuth2 client ID
clientSecret: "" # Ory Hydra OAuth2 client secret

And deploy your Chainloop Control Plane with the update values to take effect.

Now your Chainloop instance will automatically authenticating users using the Ory Hydra instance you just configured.